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作者: 鹤壁翻译公司  发布时间:2017-05-16 14:14:20  点击率:






The croissant is a widely known and enjoyed kind of pastry made from leavened laminated dough and baked plain or with some sort of filling or topping, most commonly chocolate.bbc鹤壁翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

The word itself is translated as “crescent” into English, which is the shape most typically associated with this flaky pastry, although it can be found in other forms as well.bbc鹤壁翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

There are countless stories and legends about where this pastry originated and how it was made. In 1683, Vienna (the capital of Austria) was under siege by over a hundred thousand Ottoman Turks. After several months of trying to starve the city into submission, the Turks attempted to tunnel underneath the walls of the city. Fortunately for the entire city, some bakers hard at work in the middle of the night heard the sounds of the Turks digging and alerted the city’s defenders. Thisadvance warning gave the defenders enough time to do something about the tunnel before it was completed. Soon, King John III of Poland arrived at the head of an army that defeated the Turks and forced them to retreat.bbc鹤壁翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

To celebrate the end of the siege and the part they had played in lifting it, several bakers in Vienna made a pastry in the shape of the crescents they had seen on the battle standards of the enemy. They called this new pastry the “Kipfel” which is the German word for “crescent” and continued baking if for many years tocommemorate the Austrian victory over the Turks in 1683. It was not until 1770 that the pastry came to be known as the croissant.bbc鹤壁翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

In that year, Marie Antoinette, a 15-year-old Austrian Princess, married King Louis XVI of France. To honor their new queen, the bakers in Paris made some “kipfels” of their own. The only difference was that they called it by the French word for crescent, “croissant”. The pastry proved as popular in Paris as it had in Vienna and Parisian bakers have been making it ever since as have bakers around the world who learned it from the Parisians.bbc鹤壁翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

The flavor of a croissant should be intensely butterywith a natural dairy sweetness. It should not taste like added sugar or be cloying. It should be well-seasoned, but not so salty that you can’t imagine eating it with jam or preserves. The ideal crust should be distinct from the softer interior. It should be extremely flaky and shatter when torn or bitten into. It should be extremely crisp, but not crunchy or tough. Each layer of flaky pastry should virtually melt on the tongue, but not feel greasy in your hands. It should be an even, golden brown color all around.bbc鹤壁翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

The interior should be feather-light with many layers. It should be tender and moist but not gummy ordoughy. The layers of dough should show plenty of stretch and separate gently from each other when you pull at them with your fingers.bbc鹤壁翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Today, the croissant is both a symbol of French culture and tradition.bbc鹤壁翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司













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